Elder Eric Kwadwo Darko has been honoured as the Overall Best teacher for the Teacher Prize 2024.

Home / Uncategorized / Elder Eric Kwadwo Darko has been honoured as the Overall Best teacher for the Teacher Prize 2024.

Elder Eric Kwadwo Darko has been honoured as the recipient of the prestigious Overall Best Teacher Award for the Teacher Prize 2024 in the Okere District.

The selection process for this inaugural accolade encompassed rigorous stages, comprising application reviews, an interview, and an assessment of work performance by the selection committee. Elder Darko’s instructional session on Phonologically Conditioned Endings and the Oral Aspect of Speaking underwent thorough scrutiny by the committee, culminating in his recognition as the top teacher in the SHS/SHTS/TVT category.

Acknowledged for his outstanding performance, Elder Darko was presented with a citation, an 8.0 kg washing machine, and a certificate. Serving as the District Secretary of the Adukrom District in the Koforidua Area and overseeing the Adukrom Central Assembly’s Department of Languages at Nifa Senior High Adukrom, Elder Darko has also distinguished himself as a co-author of the book “The Core English Compendium,” a resource dedicated to preparing WASSCE candidates in the Core English subject.

The Apostolic Church-Ghana takes pride in Elder Darko’s remarkable achievement and acknowledges his continued success.

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