The Executive of the Church is composed of Eleven (11) members responsible for the implementation of decisions and policies of the General Council and the Council of Apostles and Prophets and act on their behalf when they are not in session.
The membership of the Executive consists of: the President, the Vice President, the General Secretary, the International Missions Director (IMD), the Internal Missions & Evangelism Director (IMED), and Six (6) other Apostles or Senior Ministers elected by the General Council.
The Executive can co-opt persons with the requisite expertise to assist in its meetings as and when the need arises, except that such persons have no voting rights.
Meetings of the Executive are held quarterly but emergency meetings can be convened at the instance of the President or at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Executive signing a letter to that effect to the President.
The President chairs all meetings of the Executive