Mission Statement
“The Apostolic Church exists to belt the globe with the Gospel and make Disciples of Christ who manifest the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit”.
Objects Of The Church
The main objective of the Church is to teach and preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and continue steadfastly in the Apostles’ Doctrine, Breaking of Bread, Fellowship and Prayers as found in Acts 2:42.
The activities and programmes of the Church shall be organized in the following manner to help achieve this:
- To encourage and promote Evangelism, Soul Winning, Discipleship and
- To provide a basis of fellowship among Christians of like faith;
- To receive the teachings and the Government of the Church by forming and establishing Assemblies;
- To receive tithes, offerings, donations, and gifts and to raise funds by biblical means for the use of the work of the Church;
- To establish and maintain departments and institutions such as Bible Schools, Health Facilities, Agricultural Projects, Educational Institutions, Printing Presses, Bookshops, electronic and print media houses and any other ventures as may be necessary for the propagation of the Gospel and work of the Church; and
- To have the right to take, accept, lease or otherwise acquire, own, hold in trust, use, convey, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of real and personal property, tangible or intangible, invest money as deemed necessary in bonds, debentures, bills and notes of whatsoever kind, to create trust deeds and mortgages, and to enter into contracts as may be necessary for the work of the Church.
- To perform its corporate social responsibility towards the local communities where the church operates.